Here are 5 Coffee Brewing Tools Used Around the World

As any coffee lover would know, there’s something so special about brewing a cup of coffee, and if you're a true aficionado, you probably have a brewing method of choice. However, brewing coffee is more than just a peaceful morning ritual, in fact, it’s an ancient craft that has been practiced around the world for centuries, and each country has a unique brewing technique that produces a delicious cup of coffee.
From Europe to Asia and everywhere in between, let’s take a look at some of the different coffee brewing tools around the world.
The Different Brewing Methods
1. Moka Pot - Italy
The Moka Pot, also known as a stovetop espresso maker, is a popular coffee brewing tool that was invented by an Italian engineer in 1933. Funnily though, the pot is named after the Yemini city of Moka. This is a three-chambered coffee pot made of aluminum or stainless steel. The bottom chamber is filled with water, and the middle chamber has a metal filter where coffee grounds are placed. The way this works is that once heated on the stove, the water boils and produces steam, which forces the hot water through the coffee grounds and into the top chamber. The result is a strong, espresso-like coffee that can be enjoyed on its own or used as a base for other coffee drinks.

2. French Press - France… Well kind of
The French Press is easily one of the best-known and most used coffee brewing methods. Today, it has several names (including cafetiére which is used when brewing Thai iced coffee) and this is because of the large number of patents that have been filed by people clamoring to claim the invention as their own. Although it may have originated in France, it’s now used pretty much everywhere in the world. It consists of a cylinder-shaped glass container with a plunger and metal mesh filter. Coarsely ground coffee is placed in the container, and hot water is poured over it. After a few minutes of steeping, the plunger is pressed down, separating the coffee from the grounds. This brewing method will give you a full-bodied and flavorful coffee.

3. Jebena - Ethiopia
Ethiopia is considered to be the birthplace of coffee, so it should come as no surprise that the country has a rich coffee culture, so much so that they even have a coffee-making ceremony! This ceremony has three steps: roasting, grinding, and brewing. Once the coffee beans have been prepared, they’re placed inside a traditional brewing pot called a Jebena which is a large clay pot. Water is then added to the pot and placed over a small charcoal stove. The coffee is brewed slowly over low heat, allowing the flavors to fully develop.
4. Ibrik - Turkey
Turkish coffee is renowned for potency and the Ibrik, also known as a Cezve, is largely responsible for this. Thia traditional coffee brewing tool is used in Turkey and other parts of the Middle East. It consists of a small copper or brass pot with a long handle and a spout. Finely ground coffee is placed in the pot with water and sugar, and it is heated over low heat. When the mixture reaches a boil, it is removed from the heat, and the coffee is poured into cups. This brewing method produces a strong and sweet coffee that is often served with Turkish delight.

5. Phin - Vietnam
The Vietnamese Coffee Filter, also known as a phin, is a small metal filter used to brew coffee in Vietnam. Unsurprisingly, it’s our brewing method of choice as it produces a very strong and aromatic brew that pairs perfectly with the sweetened condensed milk in a cà phê sữa đá. Check out our blog on phins to find out how to use one and why it’ll most definitely become your brewing method of choice!
In conclusion, coffee is a universal drink that is enjoyed in many different ways around the world. Each brewing tool has unique features that result in a distinct flavor and aroma. Whether you prefer a strong and bold coffee or a smooth and sweet coffee, there is a brewing tool for every taste. If you’d like to experience the deliciousness of a Vietnamese iced coffee, grab a case of SANG’s canned cà phê sữa đá that tastes just like a phin-dripped coffee off the streets of Saigon.